martes, 10 de febrero de 2009

Colours 1 (Unidad 3)

My body

Estimada Familia:

Durante el transcurso de esta unidad, tu hijo/a aprenderá:

  1. Identificar y decir el nombre de las partes del cuerpo,
  2. Contar las partes del cuerpo;
  3. Aprenderá las palabras “ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hands, feet, fingers, toes” y repasarán los números de 1 a 10
  4. Oirá las palabras “monster, party, body, face, legs, arms, paint, stamp, clap, hear, look, talk, play, draw, close, blow, happy, sad”;
  5. Oirá y representará el cuento “Nico wants to paint”;
  6. Cantará y representará las canciones “I’ve got two hands” y “One finger, two fingers”;
  7. Aprenderá aspectos culturales sobre la llegada al colegio.


I’ve got two hands

(Tengo dos manos)

I´ve got two hands to clap, clap, clap,
Clap, clap, clap. (x2)
I’ve got two hands to clap, clap, clap,
Can you clap with me?

I’ve got two feet to stamp, stamp, stamp,
Stamp, stamp, stamp. (x2)
I’ve got two feet to stamp, stamp, stamp,
Can you stamp with me?

I’ve got two ears to hear, hear, hear,
Hear, hear, hear. (x2)
I’ve got two ears to hear, hear, hear,
Can you hear with me?

I’ve got two eyes to look, look, look,
Look, look, look. (x2)
I’ve got two eyes to look, look, look,
Can you look with me?

I’ve got one mouth to talk, talk, talk,
Talk, talk, talk. (x2)
I’ve got one mouth to talk, talk, talk,
Can you talk with me?

I’ve got one me to play, play, play,
Play, play, play. (x2)
I’ve got one me to play, play, play,
Can you play with me?

One finger, two fingers
(Un dedo, dos dedos)

We’ve got one finger,
Two fingers, three fingers, four.
Let’s count again,
Find out some more.
One, two, three,
Look at me.

We’ve got five fingers,
Six fingers, seven fingers, eight.

We’ve got one toe,
Two toes, three toes, four.
Let’s count again,
Find out some more.
One, two, three,
Look at me.

We’ve got five toes,
Six toes, seven toes, eight.










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