viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008

Colours 2 (Unidad 2)

At the farm

Estimada familia:

Durante el transcurso de esta unidad, tu hijo/a aprenderá a:

  1. Identificar y decir el nombre de las animales de la granja
  2. Identificar las partes del cuerpo de los animales
  3. Aprenderá las palabras “sheep, hen, cow, horse, duck, pig, farm ”
  4. Repasará los números 11 a 20
  5. Los colores
  6. Las preposiciones “in, on, under”
  7. Oirá las palabras “duckling, notebook, draw, head, body, legs”
  8. Oirá y representará el cuento “Nico at the farm”
  9. Cantará y representará las canciones “Say hello to the animals!” y “On the farm”
  10. Aprenderá sobre el zoo de Londres


Say hello to the animals!
“Di hola a los animales”

Say hello to the animals.
Hello sheep!
Baa, baa. Hello, sheep. (x2)

Say hello to the animals.
Hello hen!
Cluck, cluck. Hello, hen. (x2)

Say hello to the animals.
Hello cow!
Moo, moo. Hello, cow. (x2)

Say hello to the animals.
Hello horse!
Neigh, neigh. Hello, horse. (x2)

Say hello to the animals.
Hello duck!
Quack, quack. Hello, duck. (x2)

Say hello to the animals.
Hello pig!
Oink, oink. Hello, pig. (x2)

On the farm. “En la granja”

On the farm today!
On the farm today!
What can you see on the farm today?

I can see hens and ducks.
How many can you see?
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen.
Count with me.


I can see sheep and cows.
How many can you see?
Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen.
Count with me.


I can see pigs and horses.
How many can you see?
Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.
Count with me.

Esperamos que tanto tú como tu hijo/a disfrutéis de la unidad.

Te saluda atentamente,
Your Child’s English Teacher

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